Monday, February 12, 2007

A change gonna come

Masher's body is starting to failing her; she has cataracts on both eyes, and I rather suspect her hearing isn't what it used to be.

Last night Perp was doing her hugkiss routine: "Hugkiss donkey; hugkiss stove; hugkiss piano; hugkiss Masher." Mashy was curled up in her wee bed and Perp clambered over the side to deliver the goods and M lurched up and snapped. One small, single-drop-of-blood scratch and a broken heart. Hard way to end the day, man.

It's totally not the dog's fault, but she's out of the hugkiss circle now.



d e v a n said...

Aw, poor Perp and poor Masher. :(

Targetgirl said...

I have been ruminating over this post for a few days. The sadness of seeing a pet age is brought into full focus when contrasted with the youthful exuberance of kids. I am sure Perp will miss having Masher in the hugkiss circle and I am sure Masher will miss Perp's up close love. Having lost two animals not that long ago I have a raw spot in my heart for what you are going through. Hugs to all.